Petitioner’s Experts: Political Support Repeal Votes Violate the Constitution

The trial court continued the dispute Election District of Tulang Bawang2012 again held the Constitutional Court (MK) on Monday (22/10). Registrar of the Court to register the case with the applicant spouse 72/PHPU.DX/2012 number Ismet Roni and Solihah and No. 73/PHPU.DX/2012 the applicant spouse Frans Agung and Darwis Fauzi.

Expert testimony in the courtroom and listened to witnesses, Petitioner filed the two experts in Constitutional Law Expert Expert Saldi Isra and Irman Putra Sidin. Saldi Isra in his explanation, said the revocation of political support to prospective candidates violated the 1945 General Election. According Saldi, in Law 32/2004 on Regional Government, had anticipated the possibility of that. "Door is the door the second most vulnerable because many political parties gather to meet a 15% vote. It's vulnerable. The nomination was part of a democratic election. There are some violations that could harm the democratic process in the election: the election in favor of the ruling made by the candidate, the practice of money politics. And almost in some areas problems arise, some political parties nominate a person, but suddenly when the Commission announced that no political party withdrew, because they feel something is not right and there is a political process that occurs in the recall. Therefore, I see forming anticipate this Act. In some cases, there is an internal conflict in politics, among which there were parties officials sign off on a certain level, the sudden change and suddenly be deemed invalid again its staff," he said before the Constitutional Court Justice, headed by Constitutional Court Justice M. Akil Mochtar.

According to Saldi, in Law 32/2004 does not explicitly mention this, but relegate it to the Commission Regulation No. 13/2010. "There's delegation to the Commission, Commission Regulation No. 13/2010, Article 3 to prevent this. If this happens, the Court has been proved, and then reviews the nomination process. The constitutional adverse action violates the Constitution. This is because closing the right people to become candidates and to be able to participate in the government," he explained.

Meanwhile, Irman Putra Sidin express political party that has the right to mate in the General Election to be adjusted to the level of the election administration in the area took place. This, further Irman, set in the Regional Autonomy Law, especially Article 18. "In this country, political parties are designed to have a branch in every level area. This is not out of the constitutional design of the Regional Autonomy Law Article 18; therefore, the authorities in the proposed political party candidates in the election are the same level as the management of elections in the area. In a sense, if the Election districts / cities, administratively, the proposed regional head candidates, are administrators at district / city level, "he said.

The trial also presented several witnesses who testified on the issue of revocation of voting support to stand as a candidate. One is Sabram Samad as deputy secretary general of the DPP PBR. In his statement, Sabram explaining KPU Tulang Bawang came to the office to verify PBR management on June 21, 2012. In the official report stated that candidates who supported mistaken. The petitioners filed an objection to the vote tally released by the Respondent for violations that systematic, structured, and massive conducted by the Respondent (the District Election Commission Bone Onions), an effort barrier barriers to Petitioner as a legitimate candidate in the General Election of Tulang Bawang. While Ismet Roni and Solihah think it actually has qualified support for the political parties in Tulang Bawang General Election 2012. (Lulu Anjarsari / mh/

Monday, October 22, 2012 | 18:52 WIB 104